Betting Odds Converter

  • Updated

The Betting Odds Converter helps you figure out what the odds are for each of the standard odds formats that you may come across:

American  what you will find on The Action Network and across most American Sportsbooks

Decimal (also known as European)  most common in other parts of the world

Fractional (also known as UK) the main format in the United Kingdom, also common when betting futures

Our Betting Calculators are located on the top bar of the Action Network home page as well as on the right side, after scrolling down.


There are several spots you can enter odds using the format you are most comfortable with - American, Decimal, Fractional or Implied.

Implied Odds are not something you'd find at a Sportsbook, but rather the chance a wager has to win. For example, a +100 bet has a 50% chance to win.


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